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Julie's Top Pick: Healthy Gut | Shop Now

Jump for JOYnts - FAQ

Can I use jump for joynts as a prevention for future joint problems?

You can use Jump For JOYnts as a prevention in theses case:

  • For large breed dogs over the age of 6 we used to recommend to our clients to give one dose twice a day for two days and then once per month (use the regular strength product)
  • If your dog does agility and has a particularly strenuous run you can give a dose of regular strength right after or if you dog is middle age and is a agility freak ( so focused that they feel no pain when they maybe should, over extends themselves regularly …) it is a great idea to do the regular strength JFJ twice a day for two days once a month.
  • If your dog has EVER had a limb injury but has no residual problem it is helpful to do regular strength twice a day for 2 days and repeat that once every 4 months